What is The Eternal Return 0.0?

The Eternal Return is a philosophical concept shared across cultures. It suggests that the universe and all existence within it are cyclical and will recur in a self-similar form an infinite number of times. The first generation of the Internet fostered consumption-driven entrepreneurship, the second focused on conservation, and now we sense a third wave emerging, centered on consciousness.

This unconference explores entrepreneurial & research signals that contribute to a richer human inner world.

What is the Unconference?

An unconference is a participant-driven event in which speakers propose the topics of their talks. This format encourages more authentic stories to emerge rather than fixed agendas that might skew the outcome. The focus is on sharing knowledge, ideas, and experiences in a fluid and informal setting.

We will have an editorial review process for all submissions to ensure a collaborative and inclusive selection. Once selected, speakers will participate in rehearsals to refine their presentations. If you’re interested in speaking at the conference, please submit your abstract and slides for consideration.

Conference Topics

-Future of Living & Working Consciously

Coliving, communes, and mindful work environments.

-Mental Health

Neuroscience, psychology, and various therapies.

-Food & Nutrition

Gut health, Ayurveda, macrobiotics, and diets that align body and mind.

-States of Consciousness for Healing

Flow states, plant-based medicines, and psychedelics.

-Conscious Tech

Technology that enhances consciousness.

-Movement & Stillness

Meditation, breathwork, yoga, tai chi, and similar practices.

-Classical & Modern Art for Inner Well-Being:

Dance, music, fine art, installations, and more.

Who should attend?

This unconference is ideal for entrepreneurs, scientists, spiritual practitioners, healers, therapists, artists, educators, tech innovators, wellness experts, community leaders, philosophers, business coaches, investors, social entrepreneurs, personal development coaches, policymakers, and anyone working to make the human inner world a richer place.


If you are interested in sponsoring, write to shashi@sacredstartups.co